Monday, December 19, 2011

growing up

It seems like time goes by so fast. Our boys are getting so big! It's crazy to me to think that these are my boys and they're a part of Eric and I. I love them so much and they're both so creative and so much fun! We giggle everyday together! They love to do crafts and build things. They're such good buddies...but have their moments. I wish they would just stay liitle.

Tige is 3

Happy Birthday to Tige! We celebrated his birthday on Dec 15. He had joy school that day and had a Christmas party. After school we went to Wendy's and got a kids meal for him and his brother. He wanted us to sing to him all day long! :)

Things about Tige:
Still hates dressing up for Halloween
Loves changing his clothes 20 times a day
Loves his turtle Jammie's and snowman Jammie's. He wears them everyday all day
He likes things just his way
Loves Loves his daddy, he would pick daddy over mommy any day of the week
Still 75% for height and 50% for weight
Loves to wrestle his brother and calls him bubba, they're good little buddies
Loves to build things
Can be a stinker sometimes :)
Loves to cuddle

He is our boy. Tige we love you so much and are so glad you're in our Family. You bring so much joy and laughter and humor to our lives. We hope that as you grow up you develope a Testimony of the Gospel and always know your parents and siblings are here for you. We love you and are excited for all the adventures ahead of you. Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

fire station

Last week Kaden's Pre-School had there annual Fire Station Field Trip. Tige was excited to tag along. They watched a movie and then got a grand tour of the Fire Station. The fire fighters gave them red hats and glow sticks!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


We had a great time this halloween. Chelsey won the ward's best costume. Kaden has really started to like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Tige still does not like costumes.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Kaden turned 5 this year. We can't believe how old he is. He is such a great little boy and we are so glad that he is a part of our family. Kaden wanted to have a Cowboy party so we played some cowboy games and all the kids dressed up. My dad provided the lassos and taught the kids how to rope a horse.

Family Reunions

We have a number of extended family activities throughout the year. Some of our favorites are held in the summer. This year we went to the apline slide in Park City and the Heber Valley Girls Camp just a week or two after our ward girls camp.


Kaden played soccer this fall with a neighborhood team and really enjoyed it. This was his first season playing. The team name was "green fire" and was comprised of 4 and 5 year olds.


We built some garden boxes this year. The boys love to help Eric with these projects. They lend a hand where possible and just give encouragement.


We went to california to visit family this summer. The boys had a blast swimming and hanging out with their great-grandparents. They loved riding a family friend's pony named Happy.

Boating Trip

We've been really slow to update the blog, but we finally found some time. Eric has been going to night school at USU and I've been busy with the kids. During the summer we spent some time with my family at Flaming Gorge. We all had a great time.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beautiful Day

Before all the rain came, the weather was beautiful. Hot days with the sun shinning. We thought Summer was just around the corner. We got out the pool and swam for two days straight. Kaden and Tige loved it.


This year we signed Kaden up for T-Ball through Dimple Dell. He has loved every minute of it. We signed him up with our next door neighbor Hunter, those two can be crazy together. Before the first game I was trying to explain how to play. I explained that after you hit the ball you run to first base. Well the first game, he hit the ball great and then ran after the ball to try and get it. It was so cute. Soon after he started getting really good, and loved playing. The last game was on Tuesday and he received his trophy shaped like a Baseball glove. He was so excited!

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter this year. Spending time at both grandparents and having many Easter egg hunts, with lots of candy. Kaden and Tige were so in to it this year, it was fun to see them run around and get so excited about were the Easter Bunny left all the eggs. It was a beautiful day, the flowers were so pretty. It couldn't of been more perfect.

Happy Easter from our Family to yours.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coloring Eggs

Sunday afternoon we colored our eggs. The boys had a blast digging their hands in the cups full of color. It was a big mess, but that's what growing up is all about. Remembering all the fun things we do as a family every Holiday. After a while we needed a bath desperately. It took a while for the dye to come off them, but finally did.